Creonic DVB-GSE Encapsulator and Decapsulator IP Cores Are Now Available with Data Rates of up to 4 Gbit/s
Kaiserslautern, Germany, January 12, 2023 – Creonic
GmbH, the market leader for satellite communication IP cores, today
announced the performance optimization of its field-proven DVB-GSE
Encapsulator and Decapsulator IP Cores. They close the gap between
network protocols like Ethernet and the physical layer of DVB-Standards.
“We strive to fulfill the ever increasing bandwidth demands of our customers. Now they can benefit from 4x the data rates compared to previous versions of these IP cores.” explained Matthias Alles, CEO and Co-Founder of Creonic.
Starting with their initial release, the interfaces of both cores perfectly fit the Creonic DVB-S2X Modulators M100 and M400 as well as the DVB-S2 / DVB-S2X Decoder IP cores. In this setup, these cores typically operate at symbol rates of up to 125 Mbaud.
Introduced with the new release, the interfaces of encapsulator and decapsulator offer a design-time configurable parallelism such that they can also work with the Creonic DVB-S2X Wideband Modulator M800 and the DVB-S2X Wideband Decoder. Both IPs now reach the required data rates of 4 Gbit/s while handling a 500 Mbaud carrier which uses a 256-APSK modulation.
Learn more about the Creonic DVB-GSE IP Cores!
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