CCS Licenses LDPC IP Cores from Creonic
Kaiserslautern, Germany, Apr. 23 2012 –
Cambridge Communication Systems (CCS) relies on Creonic as IP core
provider for their new technology. CCS is developing a microwave radio
system for the back-haul of small-cell mobile basestations. The unique
technology of CCS has higher performance and lower cost than any
competing solution.
CCS selected the WiMedia LDPC Encoder and Decoder solution from Creonic for its product. “Our system requires high throughput LDPC forward error correction in a cost-effective implementation” says John Porter, CTO of CCS. He adds: “Creonic was the only provider which had an appropriate product for this application. The Creonic WiMedia IP core runs at over twice the speed and uses half the logic of any competing products”.
The team of Creonic has the most profound knowledge of implementing many algorithms of communications, such as demodulation and decoding. This knowledge is incorporated into the development of IP cores and the design services provided by Creonic resulting in solutions of the highest efficiency.
Learn more about the Creonic 1 Gbit/s LDPC Decoder and Encoder
(WiMedia UWB)
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